Sunday, March 16, 2008

Falling in Love by Caitlin A.K.A. SKITTLES

Falling In Love

By: Caitlin

When I was very little, before I could ride by myself I met a horse at a horse show. She was a short little dark bay mustang named Lexie. My nana (grandma) was already friends with the owner Mrs. Debbie (the owner of what's now Harmony Meadows.) I fell in so much love with Lexie she gave her to us about two years after we met. By the time I could ride by myself I "tried" to ride her. We both gave each other a hard time. She would run into the posts with me, and then I would get off run and cry. Year after year we progressed as well as our love. Now at age 13 we work together as a team still giving each other trouble but that's just love now I can get on at any time and do anything I ask her to do and that's my story of me and my horse Lexie.

My stories facts and my horse Lexie

My story was written to show people everywhere that even if your horse is severely abused you can get your horse over it. And also have a relationship you just have to make it with tons of work and love.


Lexie was a rescue. She was one of Mrs. Debbie's first rescues. She belonged to her step daughter Marissa. Then she out grew her and I got her. Lexie and I still love and still learn a little bit about each other every day. And our love grows as well as it will always.

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