We Got Rain!!!,
All you Georgia people! I know you are suffering in one way or the other, and when we get any kind of rain it is welcomed. We got our butts kicked late yesterday and it was so nice to see. Now we could have done without the thunder and lightning that came with it.
Our poor horses are not use to walking around in the mud anymore. Tatiana and big sister Little girl busted their fannies coming down the hills.
One question to the flower lovers out there!
You know we are in a drought and have been for awhile now. Why in the hell do you spend hundreds of dollars planting flowers or bushes? Come on! Lets' get real here. The signs are posted a long side the roads, it is on the news, and you pay your water bill. Now, how much more will it take to get through your head that we need to save the water? How selfish can anyone get? If you weren't so damn worried about keeping up with the Jones you wouldn't waist the water.
I know, you want your place to look nice and I don't blame you. But hasn't anyone told you that you can't fight mother nature? Or, you just don't care? WE ARE IN A DROUGHT!!!
You people are the first ones to complain if we do run out of water. You wouldn't want your poor flowers to die and then your yard would look bad. Darn!
I have animals that are counting on those hundreds of gallons of water you are wasting on your poor yard. You can take the money you have spent on your flowers and water, and donate it to a good cause. It really doesn't matter which nonprofit organization you donate it to just do it. At least it would go to a good cause and something good will come out of it.
No one really gives a rats ass about your yard; I know I don't. I would love to plant flowers and bushes, but I have lives that depend on the water I save. So, we haven't run out of water yet, you keep it up and we will. That kind of attitude is what puts us in the situation we are in right now. See, as long as you turn on your water and something comes out that we call water you will continue to use it .
If you keep it up the next step is they are going to double the cost of using water and then what will you do?
We do everything in our power to save water here. We don't bathe the animals unless it is a medical
Condition. We scrub water tanks every other day now. We don't Plant Flowers or a garden. Water buckets are no longer filled to the top. We go out and check to see if the animals have water at all times during the day. Take quicker showers. It doesn't take that long to scrub your ass and wash your hair. We have manage to cut back on out water bill over 30%.
That is a big savings on my bill and saving water, and it really pisses me off to see someone else to waist what we have worked so hard on to save. We didn't do it for you we did it for the animals and people.
Turn off the flipping water!
I agree with your point but I wish you had not used the language you did. I noticed that there are kids on your site and you obviously want people to visit your site and dontate to it. The first thing I saw on the home page was cursing. I am not a good two shoes myself but I don't put it in print on a website that asks for donations... You might want to re-write your passage.
Thank you for your input, but I am at the point that this is the only way it is going to get the point across to people. I do not like it anymore than you do but lady I have animals to protect and there are a lot of people who just do not get it. No one donates anyways so what the heck.
Do you have any clue what it takes to do what we do? Does anyone even care? I take other peoples problems that I am so passionate about, and try to share it with everyone, but only to see that the public could care less.
The kids that come to this site hear worse than what I wrote. I have been on plenty of sites that write way worse than I. Do you think those children don't read what they have to say? I have 3 kids of my own and they stand behind me on what I do and I do it for the horses. And I guess your kids never see these words. Go check out myspace.
I am busting my butt to find the right way to wake people up and not just for our rescue, but for all rescues.
Now that we got your attention how are you going to help these rescues that are doing what I am doing? And I don't mind if you donate to someone else just do so. All the rescues are in a bad way right now.
Everyday I have to turn away horses because someone doesn't want to take care of their responsibility, or yes they may be on hard times. I have seen it all and I will continue to do so, and if it takes a dirty word to get people to help then so be it. I would love to send you the emails I get of starving horses that I can not help. It will eat you up inside.
My life and my passion is for the unwanted and mistreated horses that the human has kicked aside, and I love what I do. I pray everyday for God to give me the strength to continue what I do. I have placed everything I own on the line because I believe in what I am
doing, so spare me the corrections.
Go help save Gods animals.
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