Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustave

As we all know that Hurricane Gustave is a severe storm due to hit Monday night. We are letting you all know that we have room for several horses to be housed. We do ask that your horse(s) are accompanied with an up to date coggins and shots. If we can be of any assistance please feel free to email us at or you can call 770-815-3663

We should be able to house up to 5 horses. Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can prepare our facilities.

Our prayers are with all the families, and volunteers that are affected by this storm.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Mail Box

I know this is a crazy subject to post, but if you continue to read you will understand where I am coming from.

There have been those times where I wished a miracle would show up, and sometimes it does in My Mail Box..

Well, today as I do every day I stopped to check My Mail Box on my way out. We had mail, so I sat idle inside my truck and started going through the mail. I saw a purple envelope, and looked at it for a sec. I am always looking at addresses on my envelopes to see if I know who it is from. Anyways, this address didn't ring a bell, so I opened it. ( We do not give out minor children's names) Inside was a letter from a mother who took the time to send me the prettiest picture that her young daughter drew. She saw Eddie's story, and not only did she send us her picture that she drew she sent her allowance. Whoa! I only wished that the whole world was sitting in my truck when I opened the envelope.

I cried, and thanked God for giving me the strength to do what we do here at Harmony Meadows. To us this is what it is all about. It is about parents teaching their children to be compassionate towards God's animals.

We are blessed with loving adults, but when I see both parent and child willing to help, it just brightens what we are about.

Dear Mother,

Thank you for teaching your little girl to be loving and compassionate towards God's animals. May it be a dog, a cat and yes, even Eddie, we all here thank you so much for your kindness and for your big heart.

Sometimes it gets hard to figure out where or how we can raise the money to pay vet bills, buy feed and hay, but things have a way of working out. We believe in what we are doing, and with families like yours it helps us to continue to work harder saving the horses in need.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

1st Annual Horsemanship Clinic

"Solving the Problem Horse"


Brent Berry


Oct. 4th from 10am till 3 pm.

To be held at

GB Stables

Call Jessie at


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Two More in Need


I got a call on Saturday about two horses needing a place to call home for a little while. Yep, I went and picked them both up. They don't look bad. The mare Punkin needs more grub on the ribs, but is doing good. Punkin is very sweet and loves to be loved on. She is very food driven.

Punkin needs her shots, check to see if she is pregnant, teeth floated in a bad way and aged, and she will also need her shots and coggins done. It will cost some money to get her back to normal again.

Jedidiah, He is a young stallion that has been living with his mother Punkin. Jedidiah is nervous but he understands you If you are willing to take the time with him and give him clear signals.

He loves his head scratched when he realizes what you need from him. He is a young bay paint stallion. Now for Jedidiah, he will need to be gelded asap, coggins, and shots.

Both are in need of a good hoof trimming which will most likely be done today. They have both been dewormed as soon as they got here yesterday.


We need your help!


We are hoping that we can get the help from the public to help us offset our vet bills for Punkin and Jedidiah. We do not get any kind of discount from our Veterinarians' here. We have been loyal clients and still pay full price on everything. We do not want to go and find a different vet just to get cheaper prices. My vet is very good at what he does, and I have been with him for 15 years now. I find loyalty and trust goes a long ways with my animals versus cheaper prices.

I want what is for the best of our horses, not what is cheaper.

If everyone can help chip in we will able to get what they need done quicker.

Just a guess on the cost of Punkin and Jedidiah?


Coggins and vaccinations per horse is about $120.00 each and add a $50.00 trip charge

Gelding, I am guessing around $150.00

Exam fee per horse is $25.00 each

Antibiotics large 500 count. $100.00plus

Dental on the mare $120.00 plus or minus. She has some pretty long teeth


Providing all of this is done in one day . If he had to come back to do more it is a $50.00 trip charge.


Let's see what the guess on cost is:

$710.00 is my guess is what it will cost us to get Punkin and Jedidiah up to snuff .


Your help will be much appreciated here.

Our horses leave hoof prints in our hearts. Not one horse is loved unfairly, not one horse is forgotten about here.

Thank you for just taking the time to read this and for visiting our site.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Save a Can Save a Horse

Harmony Meadows Equine Rescue Inc.


"Cans for Horses"

Save a Can Save A Horse!


In order for Harmony Meadows Equine Rescue Inc., to help feed the rescue horses, we are asking everyone to save all their aluminum cans, and metals. By collecting as many cans as we can we will be able to earn money towards feed, hay and any vet bills that arise.

We thank you for your support.


"Horses leave hoof prints in our hearts."

Become a foster parent to a horse.

For pickup please call:

770-815-3663 or 770-815-4108 or


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Apples, a Blind Horse, and A Leg. Ouch!!


For a split second you

could swear he could see; cause It look like it to me. Man did it hurt!

Eddie doesn't see anything, and he is so good at being blind that you would bet your bottom dollar that he could see.

Never under estimate the blind, they will surprise more often than not. Eddie is always amazing

Us. It makes our days special having him here.

A few weeks ago Brian, my husband brought home apples that were donated to the horses.

I am always telling everyone here, " don't bring apples here". I don't mind treats at all, but to many apples don't keep the doctor away.

Anyways, I had put the apples in a bag to be thrown away the next day and was sure I set the bag back far enough away that the horses couldn't stick their heads in and get to them. So, I thought.

The next morning I was feeding the crew, and I always let the door stay open for Eddie to eat hay off the round bale. This keeps Eddie occupied long enough for me to get the other horses fed. I was coming past the hay barn to feed the horses in the bottom pasture when I looked up I noticed Eddie chewing, this chew was not of a hay chew. It was the chew of enjoyment. You know that chew. Total satisfaction: like eating a large bowl of your favorite ice cream. I ran up and noticed he had gotten into the apples. I gave him an ear full; not that it was going to help matters out. I started picking them up and looked at him as I grabbed a handful of apples, and to tell him to stop. As I was talking to him he reached over and bit my leg.

OUCH!!!! EDDIE!!!!

The look in his face was: Take that! These are my apples!


The bruises are all gone now, and so are the apples.:0)