Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Stanley is my male Siamese cat that has owned us for almost a year.

He is something else. Let's see, The breakfast bar should bear no items on it unless you want it ending up in the other part of the house. Only Stanley can tell you where.

He loves our dogs, BayBay, Dott, and Cricket. Two of the dogs are Great Pyrenees and Cricket is a Jack Russell Terrier. At 11 am Stanley and Cricket chase each other around the house for an hour or so. Around 3 pm Stanley BayBay and Dott join forces and play chase in the house. Then at bedtime Stanley curls up with Dott for some sleep.

He sticks his nose in every ones business, even in my purse.

Let the wet food be gone and you will not hear the end of his meows..

He also likes to ride around the house on my shoulders.

Life is never dull for Stanley, he makes fun out of just about anything.

He is a One-Of-A-Kind of cat.

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