Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Why is it so important for everyone to see the ugly that someone caused in order to donate?

I find it very offending that this is what everyone wants to see.

God did not put these animals here for someone to starve , abuse or to be used as some status symbol.

I had a visitor several days ago and asked for pictures to publish so we could get donations. No! I will not.

We will not expose the ugly of the hand of a twisted mind that chose to put these animals in this situation. I will not do it and if it means I have to work 5 jobs to care for them I will, but I will not show the ugly. Here it is only the beauty of the horse that is shown here. Yes, every horse here has a story to tell and we will be happy to share that with you; but pity we do not except.

Anyone who reads this I ask you to do me one favor. Please close your eyes and think of a horse. Not one in particular just a horse. Now tell me what you see: Think of every movement, every line on their body, think about them being in a herd of other horses. It is so beautiful to watch a horse in a herd. They have much to teach if you will only watch and listen. Now you tell me what does a horse mean to you?

When I wake up every morning I walk outside onto my front deck and I see what God has created.

It is beauty, freedom, strength, dominance, fear, speed and love. This is what we are about here at Harmony Meadows Equine Rescue. I thank God for giving me such beautiful gifs every day.

What gives me the right to expose the hate of the human that spilled over to a helpless animal? If this is what it takes to get the public to help donate to our cause than no thank you. I am not here to satisfy anyone's curiosity of this kind of treatment.

Our vet bills run about $500.00 plus a month our feed bill is about $2500.00 a month our hay bill runs about $540.00 a month. We only have very few people who are willing to help with the financial part of our rescue. Oh, and no we are not Government funded. We wish it were that easy, but we are funded by donations and what I make from working.

We do not get any discount from our Veterinarians' nor our feed store. We pay full price for everything. It is hard to work for what you believe in when you can't get anyone else to work with you.

I have had to learn to become a farrier , give shots treat wounds, fatten starved horses and teach a miss treated horse to trust again. I love what I do, but it takes more than one to continue that fight.

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