Monday, March 2, 2009

Mary's Horses

My horses are rescued boys.
Zip is a Quarter horse and when we got him he was thin and nervous. He was 4yrs old at the time and had been through some tough times. He had been passed around to many places( I wouldn't call homes! )even raffled off once. He has a scar on his chest that our farrier told us he had probably got caught on a fence pole.
His feet were in horrible shape over grown and cracked. It took a year or better to fix that. He is now doing GREAT is a lovable giant that found his forever home.
I can't even put in words how much we love him!! Our baby Raja is a real sad story. We found him on the Internet. He was falsely advertised I don't even think it was his pic that we saw.They were giving him away ,lady said she had just had a baby and didn't have the time to work with him .She told us that she had gotten him a the auction and put him out with her other horses and went on vacation.Raja was 7 mo old ,other horses beat him up pretty bad he was said to have been down near a roll of hay for a few days in the rain. anyway to try and shorten this .
He was supposed to be doing good and all he needed was a good home and some time ,he needed some body to walk him around to build up his stength. We thought poor little guy we could do that . I had lots of time ,my husband is a over the road truck driver and I am alone most of the time. ,so we got the trailer and drove the hour and half to get him. Well this poor baby was almost dead. He was so skinny just bones and skin!!! covered with lice, ringworm ,rain rot and to many open wounds to count. a couple that were pretty severe-.
Needless to say he could barely stand let alone walk. We loaded him up and called our vet who stayed open and waited for us. HE said that Raja probably wouldn't have made another day or so he was so weak . We went home armed with shots ,mends good food ,lots of hay and a wonderful vet that helped us through.
My husband stayed home from work for a month. In that month Raja COULDN'T get up by himself .
We picked him up every couple hours ,cleaned him and loved him. We pretty much lived in the barn it was winter and it was cold we bought him a coat so he wouldn't be cold. He is now almost 2 and is healthy, happy and full of life! We love our horses and hope for many years of their friendship Thank YOU for listening I really needed to tell some one that would really get the it! ..............Mary

Thank you Mary,
Thank you for taking the time, and allowing me to share your story about your new beginning with Zip and Raja. Please, feel free to keep us posted on how your boys continue to impact your life, and you theirs.
It takes big hearts, and angles to step in to do what you and your husband did for Zip and Raja..
Thank you both.

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