Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Remember Me

This poem is written by Hannah

Remember Me

I was your best friend

I was there when times were hard

I was there for laughs

I was there when you needed me most

And I was there for celebration

But now I am gone

Your best friend

The one you could count on

The horse

People think we could never be friends

That you could get tired of taking care of me

But you didn't

You loved me as I watched over you from the heavens

Remember me

Miss me

Cry if you need to

But move on, get a new horse

Make him or her your new best friend

But remember me

No matter how far apart we are

We are closer than ever.


MANLIFE1 said...

Great Job Hannah

6 star
i read this because of the authors reccomendation!!
im glad i did and get to have my words on the internet!!
Great Job

Jumie said...

i luv this poem! it made me cry! luv ya Han!!!! u rock!!!!


WOW Hana , That really touched my heart. Keep up the great poems. I hope to see you published in the future !!!! BEEz

teddybearlovr said...

hey that is a great poem i really liked it